Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Blogball One Breath Blog (2nd in a series)

The following blog is one sentence and must be read in one breath:

During sporting events I always like to listen to the Star Spangled Banner and wait for that big moment when they get to “land of the free” and wonder if they will sing the last part of the word “free” 20,000 octaves higher and then I take notice to how much applause this person will get during that pause before they finish the rest of the song.


unca said...

I do the same except I always cringe. I'm hoping that the singer will simply sing the song as written and not turn it into a circus. I'm usually disappointed (and embarassed).

Rob said...

same, except that I *like* it when they go freee-HEEEEEE...

i always wonder if everyone really knows what they're clapping so enthusiastically about, tho.

my opinion: since the people in the stadium are neither individually nor collectively responsible for making the USA the land of the free, home of the brave (and since with our mixed history this claim has at times been a hollow boast), i submit that we're clapping NOT because we've analyzed things carefully and decided that our nation is freer and brave than all other nations, but rather because as humans it always feels good to believe we're part of something huge and super-special, and that such membership conveys on us special value.

but then i'm sick and cranky today...

unca said...

Well, audience motives aside, musically, its kind of silly. You've already reached the highest note in the song as well as the climax so piling on the extra interval of the fourth or octave is gilding the lily and pretty much just showing off and making a fool of yourself. And for the record, there can be no debate on this issue. I'm right and others are wrong. Case closed.

Blogball said...

I would like to think that these fans are cheering for the word “free” (In any form they might perceive it) but I’m afraid that might be giving these folks too much credit. I believe these sports fans are applauding for the athletic vocal cords being displayed during the word free.