Thursday, December 13, 2007

Another Blogball Hidden Talent

During a successful art show where I was showing off my latest abstract art pieces I was asked to perform with a famous orchestra playing 1st cello. Not ever playing the cello I was a bit apprehensive but I’m a pretty quick study so I said OK. This clip shows me playing a piece called 4’33”.
NOTE: This was all self taught on my part. (Not one lesson) Even though this was the only piece they let me play it was still a thrilling experience.


Happy Birthday! said...

Wow! Blogball, that's amazing that you were able to fill in on such short notice! I can see why that would have been thrilling.

Happy Birthday! said...

Oh, excellent job, by the way. There was one part in there that was sort of difficult and I wondered how you would do but I couldn't detect any mistakes.

Happy Birthday! said...

OK, I know I'm the only one commenting on this so far, so you probably will be disappointed to see it's the same person all the time :-), and no doubt this is your point, but I have to say it --- this is ridiculous, right? In one way, I like the psychological concept of enforced silence in a world where people seem unable to be alone with their thoughts, but the announcer said, THIS is what all those people came to see (hear?). I mean.....c'mon.....

unca said...

The really strange thing is about 10 years ago I wrote a piece very much like this titled, 3'39" I never completed it though because the last few bars never turned out right.

Unknown said...

I've heard of this but never heard it. Just...just...well, words can't express it...

Anonymous said...
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The Gruenwald Family said...

If I were in the orchestra, there's no way I could have kept a straight face. In fact, I probably would have been fired for laughing.

Preben and Ellen said...

hey unc!

are you out there? I sent you an email..did you get it? I miss your posts!

Blogball said...

Thanks for the comments everybody.

Anya, I agree at least Simon and Garfunkel's Sound of Silence had music and lyrics to boot.

Unca, I told you to publish that piece regardless of those few flaws in the last couple of bars.

Dana, you probably heard this performance when I didn’t play in that particular orchestra. That’s probably why it wasn’t as good as this rendition.

Yoopermama, that’s funny, I was actually thinking about you when I saw this and wondered how you would have acted in the violin section.

Preben & Ellen if you meant to say Blogball instead of unca as you have probably noticed I finally have a new post!