Thursday, March 03, 2005

Lock Your Doors Everybody Martha Stewart Is Out Of Jail

I know this is the no agenda zone but I have to say something about Martha Stewart.
As everyone knows she was just released from prison. I just heard she will be under house arrest for 5 months and have to wear an electronic ankle bracelet to track her every move. Doesn’t this seem like a little much? Are they afraid she might break into someone’s house and start decorating without the owner’s approval? I am not a fan of Martha Stewart. I never watched her TV shows and I don’t shop at Kmart. I have also heard she is very hard to work with and is sometimes very nasty to her employees. Having said all this, is it just me or did this whole thing seem kind of like a witch-hunt?
I know she lied to the feds about a stock deal and of course should be punished for this. I just think a couple of years of community service plus a stiff fine with the money going to some charity would have made more sense. But who am I to Judge?


unca said...

Yeah, well, not me. I want Martha to suffer just the way she's made me suffer! : )

Happy Birthday! said...

Blogball, I too thought the sentence for Martha was harsh. My criminal law professor encouraged us to think really hard about what it means to actually take away someone's freedom -- to lock them up, ruin their reputation, take away basically all of their abilities to do anything they want to do. A person should do something pretty bad to make it to prison. I think some white collar criminals do in fact deserve to go to jail. But I don't believe that Martha's punishment fit the crime. Perhaps a slight consolation is that her stock went up and she lost weight in prison. :)